Diary of a Shed - 26 October 2004 < Back    Next >    HOME
21 October
Half a day of sun is better than none at all so I went out and put shingles along the ridge at the left-hand side of the roof. That involves cutting the shingles into 4 pieces (they are 4-tab shingles) and putting them on the ridge sideways. Other than that they work in exactly the same way as ordinary shingles.

If you follow what the packet says, and just cut them square, it won't be as neat - the exposed part of the shingle is smaller because it has had a notch cut to give the tiled effect. The back (which goes underneath) is full width because you are cutting it yourself. So if you just cut it straight, the bit underneath is slightly wider and will stick out. 'The book' (Roofing with Asphalt Shingles) says to cut wedge-shaped pieces off the back bit so that this is not a problem, so did that, done it, works a treat.

22 October
All I did today was take down the scaffolding, and that was because there was so much rain water about that it was a real mud-bath down there. More rain is on the way and it can only get worse.

26 October
The scaffolding moves for the final time! I had a bit of a problem because the amount of space at the right of the shed is less than anywhere else, so there was plenty of cutting and drilling and making it all fit. I decided that this was going to be the only job done on this particular day, just so that I could do it properly so as not kill myself while using it! It was still muddy (and will probably stay like that for weeks now) so speed was not the important thing.

In the process I managed to break my hammer while trying to prise out a rusty nail which had been hammered into a knot. It wouldn't shift so I hit the handle of the claw hammer with a club hammer, which got the nail but bent the head of the claw hammer right round! As the main job now is hitting nails into roof shingles, and these must go in perfectly straight, I've had to buy a new one. Oh yes, and the step ladders finally collapsed under me, so I bought a new set at Wickes while I was there. Give me any tools or equipment and I'll break it for you!

The ridge tiles on and the scaffolding moved. Just the final part of the roof to go. Notice the stains on the left of the shed. That's where rain had come off the roof and poured off the side of the scaffolding, onto the shed wall. Lesson learned: don't put the ends of the scaffolding right up against the wall.