Diary of a Shed - 20 September 2004 < Back    Next >    HOME
Yesterday I put another coat of wood stain on the doors and door frame, and today I... did it all over again! I think that might be the last coat, although when it's dry I'll know for sure. Regardless of what it looks like, I can always add more coats when the doors have been hung, so that's it until they're in place in the frame.

I also had the one vent I've built so far knocking around the shed, so I decided to stain that the same colour too. That way the main shed will be one colour (golden brown) and the doors and decoration (vents, fascia trim, etc) will be another. This means I have to paint the trim I've already put on the fascia (round the back) again, and as I've already put a coat of the golden brown stuff on there, I'll do everything in golden brown and then go over it in autumn chestnut. You never know, I might keep the trim as golden brown, but the vents are definitely going to be darker. As this one had already been painted, I'll put it at the side of the shed so it won't be seen, and so that I can just stain the new vents (when I make them!) with the dark stuff. About as clear as mud, but I know what I mean!

This is what the doors looked like after the second coat. Not bad, but one more should hopefully finish off the job.
