Diary of a Shed - 7 July 2004 < Back    Next >    HOME
After yesterday's festival of photography, it's back down to earth with a single picture! Two more boards have been added to the roof, and finally you can see them from above. The roof hooks are still doing a great job, and the only problems I've been having are with poking my head through the roof to nail things down. I should not have added the ceiling joists until the end. I know they are needed for support, but they make it very difficult to get up the ladder. Would you believe it, only a few more boards to go and I'll have to start on the tricky sections where pieces need to be cut to fit. Am I looking forward to that? What can I say? No!

The left side of the roof gets covered up. Not a moment too soon - torrential rain is forecast tomorrow so lets see how effective the boards are that have been added already. Of course there are still plenty of open spaces (and small gaps between the boards themselves) but a lot of rain should still roll off the boards, with a bit of luck.