Diary of a Shed - 21 June 2004 < Back    Next >    HOME
I really never intended doing any work on the shed today. Rain was forecast, I had to go out, and I was heading towards a tricky section and thought I needed a full day (with good weather) to really make progress. However, at around 6pm the evening sky cleared up and I went out and worked a minor miracle! The second valley rafter was added quite quickly, and considering that it took a whole day for the first one to be fitted correctly, that was a big surprise to me. This now just leaves 8 jack rafters (rafters which fit between the ridge and the diagonal) and one more overhanging rafter on the gable end, and the main roof framing will be done. The end is finally in sight!

Getting very tight for space, and this is the last bit of open sky you'll see - the next update will hopefully have this all filled in.
